FFL Transfer Form
FFL Transfer Instructions and Policies for Lafayette Shooters
Please Carefully Read and Complete the Form Below
Transfer Fees:
- Firearms, Frames, Receivers, or Lowers: A processing fee of $50 applies to each item transferred.
- NFA Items: A transfer fee of $95 applies to each NFA item transferred.
Shipping Requirements:
- For Businesses Shipping Firearms:
- Must include a copy of their valid Federal Firearm License (FFL) within the package containing the firearm(s).
- For Individuals Shipping Firearms:
- Must include a copy of their valid state-issued identification.
Important: Any item shipped to Lafayette Shooters without the required documentation will be returned to the shipper via Collect on Delivery (COD).
- Pickup Responsibility: The individual listed on the order must be the person picking up the firearm. No exceptions.
- Background Check Failure: If the individual receiving the transfer does not pass a NICS background check, the original purchaser remains responsible for all fees and costs associated with shipping the firearm back to the original owner.
- Legal Compliance: It is the purchaser's responsibility to understand and comply with all applicable state and local laws pertaining to firearm ownership.
For Dealers: When purchasing from a dealer, please have them email shipping@lafayetteshooters.com to request a copy of our FFL, if needed.
Abandoned Firearm Policy:
- Incomplete Transfers: Firearm transfers not completed within 30 days will incur a $50 monthly storage fee in addition to the $30 transfer processing fee.
- Return Shipping: If return shipping is necessary, the cost will be the responsibility of the purchasing party.
- Abandonment: Firearms not transferred within 120 days of receipt will be considered abandoned. No exceptions are made except for military deployment or with prior consent.
Straw Purchase Warning:
Definition: Purchasing a firearm for someone who is legally prohibited from possessing one, or for someone who wishes to remain anonymous in the transaction, is known as a "straw purchase."
Legal Implications: Straw purchases are illegal and constitute a federal crime.
By adhering to these guidelines, you help ensure a smooth and lawful transfer process. Thank you for choosing Lafayette Shooters.